Audrey Simpson-Campbell Hypnosis
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Hello, friend! You're awesome!
You are one of the first people to show interest in my book and as such I am enormously interested to hear what you thought of it. I am in the process of refining it and correcting some of the errors I found in the first print and so it’s the perfect time to gather feedback from my readers. I have seven questions for you, please be brutally honest – it’s important! And in return for completing this short set of questions I will gift you a
Hypnotic Recording "Irrepressible Energy" worth $90.
Thank you so much for your help, it is deeply appreciated.
Reader Survey
Indicates required field
1. When did you get bored, stop reading, and check Facebook?
2. When did you roll your eyes?
3. When did you want to share a quote or section with a friend?
4. When did you smile or laugh?